5 things you want to know from the last week in employer branding #63

This is a 5-bullet weekly pit stop for all interested in effective employer branding #63

Make sure your team and other EB freaks you like develop with you too. Just send them the link to join us!


1. A BRAND TO FOLLOW: Imagine a world… with CPB London.? 

The creative team of @CPB London launched a powerful campaign ‘Imagine’ last year. It shows a proactive approach to rebranding gender diversity and aims to confront people with their biases in the workplace & beyond.

What makes the campaign spectacular?

?The impactful posters for the workplace and a colouring book for kids & parents were created to ensure our bias are not being passed to the next generation.
?The campaign delivered fantastic results – 4.7M+ impressions, 250K+ engagement on social media, 10.28% organic engagement.

Check the company website for more details and enjoy the campaign ">here.

##employerbrand #customerbrand #dei #genderdiversity #equalopportunities #equity #bias #workculture #values 


2. ACTIVATIONS TO FOLLOW: Kiwi.com offers a supportive environment for parents.?

In 2018 @Kiwi.com launched a program which helps their employees to deal with highs & lows of parenting. For several years the Grow.kiwi.com program has been helping Kiwi parents to stay in touch with the company through various activities.

How supportive is the Kiwi.com environment for parents?

?Grow.Kiwi.com program offers thematic workshops, mentoring/coaching, social events, first aid training and also covers babysitting services during these events.
?There is a dedicated handbook for Kiwi parents where they can read about what to expect before the baby is born, allowance, conditions for foreigners, tax reliefs, working during parental leave and returning back to work.
?People managers are also onboarded to the program to be educated about the rights & responsibilities of new parents in their teams.

Learn more about the program here. Why not to follow this example and enhance your company’s attractiveness as an employer and improve employee retention?

#employerbranding #parentalsupport #perks #benefits #workculture #employeeengagement #employeesatisfaction #retention #jobsecurity


3. A MANAGEMENT STYLE TO ADOPT: Turning human capital into a tangible competitive advantage. ?

How can companies transform human capital into competitive advantage, especially at a time of economic headwinds & labor shortages?

According to McKinsey’s report, P+P Winners achieve roughly 30 % higher revenue growth than both performance-driven and people-focused companies for every dollar they invest in human & organizational capital.

The report details what distinctive organizational signature P+P Winners possess. They:
• have greater earnings resilience;
• have a superior ability to attract & retain talent;
• excel at creating opportunities for their employees to build skills while clearing the highest bar for financial performance;
• have more effective leadership;
• have more inclusive cultures.

? Explore McKinsey’s report insights further here.

#leadership #humancapital #talentmanagement #talentacquisition #retention #employeeexperience #employeedevelopment #performance #skills #changemanagement #inclusivecultures #revenuegrowth #labourshortage #economicheadwinds


4. A TOOL TO USE: Woebot to reduce stress & anxiety. ?

Discover Woebot, one of the biggest successes in Generational AI, which helps to treat mental health, stress & anxiety. Launched in 2017, the tool is clinically proven to improve mental health and is said to be almost twice as effective as therapy.

? Check it here and share your impressions with us.

#tools #platforms #wellbeing #healthcare #employeeexperience #employeesatisfaction #retention


5. A PODCAST TO ENJOY: How to make your business more resilient??

A very insightful dive into making your business more resilient with Ronni Zehavi, Co-Founder & CEO of HiBob and Meghan M. Biro, Work Trends podcast host.

In the Work Trends podcast episode you will gain the insights on:

?what skills help companies remain competitive & profitable;
?what things to do to make your business more resilient;
?how to grow your company during radical transformation and market disruption.

#podcast #employerbranding #companygrowth #profit #revenue #productivity #companyresilience #businesstransformation #marketdisruption #strategy 



What is great about employer branding? We are in demand across the globe! Check the job openings we have spotted:

? Poland: Grafton Recruitment is looking for a Senior Employer Branding Specialist HERE

? Germany: Covestro is looking for a Head of Employer Branding & Recruiting HERE

? Canada: Cinesite is looking for a Global Marketing Manager – Employer Branding HERE

? Malaysia: GroupM is looking for an Employer Branding Activation Associate HERE

#keepgrowing #ebjobs #career

Thank you all for your amazing work we can publish here! Do let us know if you have something amazing to share with our community. Let’s grow together! ❤️

ps. if you like our content, make sure your team and other EB freaks you know develop with you too. Just send them the link to join us.

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