This is a 5-bullet weekly pit stop for all interested in effective employer branding #112
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1. A BRAND TO FOLLOW: Jaguar Land Rover pioneers inclusivity through apprenticeship programs. ✨
As the automotive industry evolves with a focus on electric vehicle technology, @Jaguar Land Rover is positioning itself at the forefront of innovation & talent development.
It makes engineering careers more accessible and diversifies the talent pool entering the automotive industry by accepting BTEC and T-level qualifications.
What is interesting about their inclusivity approach?
The expansion of JLR’s training programs is in line with the company’s strategic vision for the future of electric vehicles. It plans to expand its apprenticeship scheme to 350 positions in 2024.
By accepting BTEC & T-level qualifications, the company not only widens the horizons of aspiring engineers, but also addresses a critical need for STEM talent development.
Check their recent campaigns and a careers page to find out what makes JLR’s apprenticeship programs successful.
#employerbrand #customerbrand #youngtalent #apprenticeshipprograms #dei #inclusiveculture #qualifications #stem #engineering #talentdevelopment #innovation #technology #automotiveindustry
2. ACTIVATIONS TO FOLLOW:New Horizon Youth Centre goes innovative to recruit volunteers.
@New Horizon Youth Centre cooperated with Havas People to come up with an innovative campaign ‘10 Days to Take on Youth Homelessness’ to recruit volunteers for a youth homelessness charity.
It has won Work of the Year at the 2024 RAD Awards.
What is innovative about the campaign?
The bus was designed to showcase how young people become homeless every day. People were invited to come aboard and learn more about the New Horizons Youth Centre & how they could get involved.
It was open to public from 9-11am and 2-5pm each day between 1 and 10 October.
The bus even travelled to 10 Downing Street with former Channel 4 news presenter Jon Snow to raise awareness.
Visit the New Horizon’s website to find out more about the #StopTheBus campaign & the way they recruited volunteers. What innovative approaches do you take at your company?
#employerbrand #innovation #recruitment #advertising #awareness #volunteers #charity #awards
How to transform HR processes and create a thriving workplace?
@Beekeeper navigates the future of frontline work and delves into the latest HR trends which include:
1. Preparing for the Return to Office (RTO). After remote work & virtual collaboration, many organizations are now preparing for the return to office.
2. Integrating AI into workforce management: AI can be used to analyze data & generate insights on employee performance, assist in scheduling & shift planning, optimizing staff allocation.
3. ESG Compliance: It involves adhering to regulations & guidelines on sustainability, social responsibility, and ethical business practices.
4. Change Management. Companies volve to adapt to market trends, technological advancements, and internal restructuring. It is vitally important to avoid the gaps between what employees need & what management thinks is important.
As @Axonify’s Deskless Report revealed, 73% of corporate leaders believe their organization invests in new technology for frontline workers, but only 39% of workers agree.
5. Preparing for a future-proof workforce: HR departments should identify the skills and knowledge that will be in demand in the future and design training programs to develop those skills among employees.
Dive deeper into the Beekeeper’s HR trends for more.
#employerbranding #frontlineworkers #rto #ai #technology #automation #workforcemanagement #changemanagement #skillsgaps #esg #dei #employeedevelopment #leadership #trends #2024
4. A PODCAST TO ENJOY:Microsoft’s key to strategic workforce planning.
The Digital HR Leaders edition offers an insightful take on the key to strategic workforce planning with Becky Thielen, Senior Director of People Analytics at Microsoft and David Green, podcast host.
The podcast episode unveils:
what strategy lies behind building a resilient workforce planning framework;
what tools & data analytics are used by Microsoft to drive workforce planning & decision-making;
what tangible benefits are realised from strategic workforce planning.
#podcast #talentmarket #workforceplanning #data #analytics #tangiblebenefits #technology #tools
5. A TOOL TO USE: A Boolean search cheat sheet.
Discover a free Boolean search cheat sheet from @AIHR. This tool will help you improve your targeted search & transform recruitment process to meet the talent needs of your organization.
Try it here and let us know if you find it helpful.
#tools #cheatsheet #booleansearch #recruitment #targetedsearch #candidate #sourcing
SPECIAL NEWS FROM EBSTARS ACADEMY:Ruby Jeer, TQ uncovers how to design talent personas.
In her masterclass Ruby Jeer, TQ shares step by step tips on how to design talent personas for your employer branding strategies.
Check an excerpt from it and dive into the world of employer branding & innovation with us!
Subscribe to our free YouTube channel for more expert insights & groundbreaking discussions.
We have carefully selected short & highly practical excerpts from the EBstars Conferences & tailored them to your needs to teach you to attract, retain, and engage talent.
#youtube #learnings #knowledge #hr #inspirations
‘A Cure for the Common Company’ book you should read
How do you make your employees happier, healthier and more productive?
The author Richard Safeer, M.D. delivers bulletproof strategies and a step-by-step roadmap to building a supportive culture that overcomes common obstacles to change, including positive social climates, norms, and peer supports.
Thank you all for your amazing work we can publish here! Do let us know if you have something amazing to share with our community.
Let’s grow together! ❤️