5 things you want to know from last week in Employer Branding #46

This is a 5-bullets weekly pit stop for all interested in effective employer branding #46

Make sure your team and other EB freaks you like are developing with you too. Just send them the link to join us!


1. A BRAND TO FOLLOW: Volkswagen gets creative and sends job offers to its competitors. ?

@Volkswagen, France has disrupted the sector with the ‘Inside Jobs’ campaign by applying a creative approach to recruitment.

To hire over 1,000 mechanics Volkswagen Group, France has sent vehicles throughout France with job offers hidden inside. They were placed on parts regularly subjected to maintenance and on which the candidates could fall by making the good diagnosis. More than 350 recruits were hired during the initial period of September-October 2022, the positions are still available and the campaign is now in full swing.


?the majority (80%) of recruitments in the automotive after-sales sector are made taken from the competition because a qualified workforce is needed quickly to meet ever-increasing demand;

? besides classic recruitment tools, an innovative approach to hiring can turn things toward your advantage.

Enjoy the Volkswagen ‘Inside Jobs’ campaign here.


#employerbrand #customerbrand #creativity #innovation #recruitment #campaign #mechanics #automotiveindustry 


2. ACTIVATIONS TO FOLLOW: Gelateria La Romana boosts retention with travel perks. ?

Being an employer that supports work-life balance is one of the best strategies to boost employee retention.

To boost employee retention @Gelateria La Romana adopts travel perks and in partnership with @Bolt it offers its employees a more reliable, convenient and safe way to travel to and from work.

What is special about this incentive?

? employees enjoy the perk of travelling to work in a smart way – in a Bolt car or on an electric scooter;

? it reduces stress and increases employee productivity;

?business rides are carbon-neutral, thus @Gelateria La Romana runs its business sustainably.

Discover more about the travel perks here. Why not to adopt travel perks in your company and improve your employees’ experience when travelling for work?

#workplace #employeeretention #employeeturnover #hybrid #commuting #travel #benefits #perks 


3. SHIFTS TO MAKE: Driving culture connectedness. ?

Only 24% of hybrid and remote employees feel connected to their organization’s culture.

Gartner suggests making 3 key shifts for leaders to drive culture connectedness. They are:

  1. Diffusing culture through work, not just the office. Companies should enable employees to see and feel connected to the culture through the work itself.
  2. Connecting through emotional, not just physical, proximity. Emotional proximity occur when employees feel important, valued and recognized.
  3. Optimizing micro-based experiences, not macro-based experiences. Leaders should equip teams to create vibrant and healthy microcultures that encourage greater connectedness.

? Dive into the Gartner tips on culture connectedness here.

#employerbranding#workculture #employeeexperience #talentmanagement #leadership #organizationaldesign #changemanagement 


4. A PODCAST TO ENJOY: Framing company culture with the lived experiences. ?

A very inspiring dive into the lived experiences with Georgiana Ghiciuc, host and Graham Quinn, Employer Brand Manager, Zalando.

In The Inside podcast episode you will gain the insights on:

? how to frame an organic organizational culture through the lived experiences;

? how to design high-performing cultures, employee retention strategies and onboarding best practices;

? how small companies should kickstart employer branding initiatives.

#podcast #employerbranding #livedexperience #companyculture #dei #startups

5.AN APPROACH TO FOLLOW: Reworking job design. ?

Employers have been using the same techniques to scope job vacancies for years. It is high time for them to fundamentally rethink the way they structure jobs since classic job design methods are no longer particularly effective.

Talent Culture shares an approach for employers to rethink their job design. The key aspects include:

  1. Rethink job structuring. Design new roles based on the assumption that your hire will stay onboard for 2-4 years. Then work backward from there.
  2. Reframe benefits for shorter job cycles. Reorient benefits so they’re compatible with shorter terms of service as rewards for time-in-role or time with the company are relics today.
  3. Repackage jobs and let new hires determine the terms of their engagement with you as an employer.

? Explore more tips on reworking job design here.

#recruitment #sourcing #talentacquisition #candidateexperience #jobopenings #jobdesign #jobcycles #contingentworkforce



What is great about employer branding? We are in demand across the globe! Check the job openings we have spotted:

? Poland: Bolt is looking for an Employer Branding Lead HERE

? Malaysia: Fovty Tech is looking for an Employer Branding & Employee Engagement Executive HERE

? Singapore: UBS is looking for a Junior Campus Marketing Specialist, APAC HERE

? USA: ORBIS Corporation is looking for an HR Intern, Employer Branding HERE

#keepgrowing #ebjobs #career

Thank you all guys for your amazing work we can share and learn! And let us know if you have something amazing you would like to tell our community! Let’s grow together ❤️

ps. if you like what we sending you, make sure your team and other EB freaks you like are developing with you too. Just send them the link to join us! ❤️

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