5 things you want to know from last week in Employer Branding #40

This is a 5-bullets weekly pit stop for all interested in effective employer branding #40

Make sure your team and other EB freaks you like are developing with you too. Just send them the link to join us!


1. A BRAND TO FOLLOW: So-so is a no go! Make it amazing with Amdocs. ?


@Amdocs has won Israel Brand Award 2022 in the Employer Brand category. A specially commissioned song and video has been watched over 12 million times on YouTube. Amdocs has seen a 250% increase in job applications since the launch of an integrated campaign across all media, including tv, radio, social media, billboards.


?the campaign portrays the Amdocs ambitious culture, business value approach and employee commitment to higher standards where ‘Ok is not enough’;

?it highlights how digital solutions shape customer experiences for businesses, bolstering the company’s employer and customer brand;

?it injects new energy into a tech firm, increasing employee engagement and productivity.

Enjoy the campaign video and learn more following the Amdocs LinkedIn account.


#brand #campaign #awards #talent #recruitment #values #highworkstandards


2. ACTIVATIONS TO FOLLOW: KEEP revolutionizes compensation. ?


Today’s market is indicating the need for an innovative approach to employee engagement and compensation. @Keep Financial provides an innovative way for employers to direct compensation into plans that enhance employee engagement, retention and performance.

Some enhancements to Keep employee engagement platform include:

?turn-key onboarding allows HR teams to instantly sign up and use the platform without IT integrations;
?employee self-service portal lets employees manage their KEEP account and view bonus vesting schedules;
? embedded fintech enables seamless bonus delivery and funding execution for any sized organization and for employees at all salary levels.

Discover more about the KEEP enhancements here. Why not to use innovative tools and align compensation with retention, ROI and performance in your company?


#compensation #innovation #ROI #retention #performance #productivity


3. A STRATEGY TO FOLLOW: 5 personas for your EVP. ?


McKinsey research shows the motivating factors that keep people in jobs. These common themes formed the basis of 5 personas which can be used when designing your company’s EVP or appealing to your target audience:

1. The traditionalists. These are career-oriented people, motivated to work full-time for large companies in return for a competitive compensation package, status & career advancement.
2. The do-it-yourselfers. This persona values workplace flexibility, meaningful work and compensation as the top motivators.
3. The caregivers. This persona is left to care for children, parents or themselves and needs more workplace flexibility, support for employee health & wellbeing than traditional employment offers.
4. The idealists. These tend to be aged 18 to 24 and many are students or part-time workers. They emphasize flexibility, advancement potential, a community of supportive people with compensation far lower on the list.
5. The relaxers. This cohort has a mix of retirees, not looking for work and who might return to traditional work under the right circumstances.

? Explore the McKinsey personas & research findings here. Why not to follow this strategy when targeting your EVP?


#companygrowth #HRcapabilities #HRskills #careeradvancement #mobility #retention #jobdesign


4. A TOOL TO USE: A storyboard to develop a compensation strategy. ?


Discover a very helpful storyboard from @McLean & Company which outlines a process to follow when creating a competitive, cost-effective and brand-aligned compensation strategy.

? Download it here and enjoy!


#tools #guide #compensation #strategy


5. A PODCAST TO ENJOY: Creating an IC strategy. ?


A very insightful dive into creating an Internal Communications strategy with Rachel Miller, Candid Comms podcast.
In the Candid Comms podcast episode you will gain the insights on:
?what a channel strategy is;
?what you need to be mindful of when planning your content;
?how to review your internal communication channels.


#podcast #employerbranding #internalcommunications #engagement #channels #content #businessgoals


‘HR for Hybrid Working’ book you need to read

How to adapt policies and practices to ensure hybrid working is effective?
The author Gary Cookson unveils why & how contractual documents, policies, pay & reward terms need to be changed along with the examples and case studies how to succeed in a hybrid working model and manage the transition to this new way of working. ??


#employerbranding #hybridwork #remotework #HR #policies #strategy #book


Thank you all guys for your amazing work we can share and learn! And let us know if you have something amazing you would like to tell our community! Let’s grow together ❤️

ps. if you like what we sending you, make sure your team and other EB freaks you like are developing with you too. Just send them the link to join us! ❤️

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