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What it is about?

Vicki Saunders, founder of the EVP consultancy, delivers a TED-style talk on harnessing advocacy to enhance employer brands. She discusses the differences between EVP, employer brand, and recruitment marketing using a chocolate analogy. Advocacy benefits employer brand, recruitment, engagement, employee satisfaction, and reputation. Vicki explains why advocacy works, citing neuroscience and the shift in trust dynamics. She provides tips for starting advocacy, including identifying engaged individuals and training them. Equipping advocates, getting started, and involving leaders are crucial steps. Measuring performance and extending impact through recognition and community growth complete the talk.

What will you learn?

  • Why employee advocacy works?
  • What are the benefits of employee advocacy?
  • How to launch employee advocacy program?
  • How to build a culture of advocacy within the workforce for sustained impact
  • What are the tips and tricks to maintain engagement in employee advocacy team?


Who is hosting this learning?


Vicki Saunders, Expert in Employer Branding and EVP, UK

Vicki is an expert in EVP and employer brand. She headed up the Employer Brand teams at Boots, BAE systems and Currys, leading each business to step change their talent attraction and drive positive change in their culture. Before landing in employer branding, Vicki built her early career as an award-winning marketeer in consumer marketing, brand and customer proposition, leading the biggest advertising campaigns at Boots and made no less than 64 TV ads including the “Here come the girls” series. She is a strategic marketeer who is passionate about drawing on both art and science to drive far reaching impact on their business which sets them apart from their competitors. Vicki now also offers consultancy in EVP and employer brand through her new company,

See Linkedin profile

Learning summary
TED style talk. How to harness advocacy to enhance your employer brand
Vicki Saunders
+ 25 people enrolled
Learning includes
1 lesson 1 topics