This is a 5-bullets weekly pit stop for all interested in effective employer branding
Make sure your team and other EB freaks you like are developing with you too. Just send them the link to join us!
1. ACTIVATION TO WATCH BEFORE XMAS: Arvato uses Xmas motive in their recruitment video
Nice piece from Arvato using Xmas as the leading motive to address their recruitment needs! Who doesn’t like Xmas, right? Who doesn’t know popular songs? Connecting positive emotions around it might be a good move. Might be not if you make it too flat. Well, we like it, but check yourself
#video #recruitment
2. BRAND TO FOLLOW: Accenture on Instagram having fun with recruiting tips
Not ready for TikTok yet? Well, you can use Instagram to have fun conversations with your candidates. Check the Accenture team from US&Canada (@accentureus) using showreel to present the recruitment tips. Informative and funny way
See more HERE
3. NUMBERS TO THINK OF: Seenit on different engagement drivers
The second part of The State of Employer Brand 2021 Report highlights the results from the research of 1,000 full-time employees from all seniority levels. This time the goal was to understand how they feel about employee engagement post-pandemic, how companies are engaging with their employees, and what’s attracting them to new roles.
It is for sure a good read to see this stat THINK
- of what makes people apply to your brand and what makes them feel engaged (those can be different drivers)
- how much some drivers are latent and not spoken unless asked about or being violated (see D&I)
See more stats in Seenit Report HERE
Seenit is one of our Knowledge Partners! In 2022 guys from Seenit will be hosting “How to use video to storytelling your Employer Brand?” Masterclass. Let us know if you want to take part!
4.VOICE TO BE HEARD: TA, Stop acting like a service function!
LOL, a very strong voice from Katrina Collier to C-suits & managers on how not to cooperate with TA and to recruiters themselves on how to set boundaries…Worth reading and sharing the voice with Cs
Your recruiters understand the importance of what they do but in a market where candidates are in charge, they cannot do it alone. When they’re treated like administrators, and under supported, funded and staffed, they will fail. It’s time to create true partnerships with your in-house recruiters and help them! It’s time to fund the solutions they know will help.
If not, you’ll lose them (too). See the full voice HERE
5. TOOLS TO USE: choosing the best keywords
Doesn’t matter if you preparing the ideal content for your career website or planning the SEM campaign. You need to use THE RIGHT phrases to be easily found by the right candidates Check this easy and free keyword generator
#tools #seo
6. CASE STUDY TO USE: Microsoft fixing 13% dropdown in hybrid work-life balance satisfaction
Situation: After Microsoft employees went virtual during the Covid-19 pandemic, company research found that employees’ satisfaction with work-life balance dropped by 13 percentage points. Why? Unsustainable work practices that kept them tethered to technology.
Problem: To improve well-being, the company uncovered the root causes — always-on collaboration, a lack of focus time, and unused vacation and time away — and set about remedying them.
Actions: Their actions — prioritizing work, setting boundaries, and reevaluating meetings
Check the details as some of them can be implemented by other companies facing similar workforce challenges HERE
#worklifebalance #hybrid #remote
7. BOOK TO READ: The Motivation Code helping with personas profiling
When building your PERSONAs it is a huge job to be done – understanding the motivation and engagement drivers….well not an easy task, so some help with mapping the drivers might be helpful. Look at this position by Todd Henry. He identified 4 engagement profiles you might want to use or at least get inspiration! Start from yourself
- Those driven to Achieve Potential strive to build an ideal future, even when others may not see as far ahead.
- Those needing to Overcome must conquer whatever obstacles come their way, no matter how difficult or time-consuming.
- Those who strive to Comprehend and Express are obsessed with mastering new skills and showing off what they know–which is often a lot.
- Those who want to Make It Right thrive when systems are running smoothly and usually know the “proper way” to do things.
#book #persona #engagement
8. CONGRATS TO BE MADE: New Stars in the Family!
Ha! Welcoming new Employer Branding Stars Congratulations to the teams from 4 different countries. LOL. We are so happy to see different cultures adapting the tools and aspiring to the stars! Congrats!
There is still a chance to join the Family in 2021, apply HERE
#ebstars #award
9. TOOL TO CONSIDER (FOR IT PERSONA): Twilio using StackOverflow
If you starting with StackOverflow as a branding tool, start with this case study and check how ready you are!
#tools #stackoverflow
10. TRENDS TO FOLLOW: Linkedin’s predictions for 2022
Linkedin’s perspective on the talent market is …well, kind of important and must-read to understand where the giants have their focuses So here are the 5 top:
1. Flexibility will drive acquisition and retention amid the Great Reshuffle
2. Hiring will continue to move beyond degrees and diplomas
3. Internal mobility programs have a renaissance
4. Workplace cultures will center on DEI
5. Caring will be a crucial part of the decision-making
#predictions #trends